Do you find meal prepping super fun … or super overwhelming? I get it, it takes a good chunk of time and if you aren’t well-prepared to prep, it might not even work out.
At its core, meal prepping is just batch-cooking meals (or even single ingredients that are helpful for building meals). This month in my wellness community, we want to help you meal prep as smartly as possible, so that it truly does make your life - and reaching your goals - easier.
So, make a plan… because how can you prep if you don’t know what you’re getting ready for?!
Sit down and think about your week and how many meals you need to make. Make a list of all the meals you’ll eat at home and assess your calendar for how much time you’ll have each day to cook.
One super fun way to make your plan is to theme your days - like Meatless Monday and Taco Tuesday! That way, you don’t feel like you have to create a new plan from scratch every single week. And try to pick recipes that work well with what basic condiments and pantry staples you already have in your kitchen!
Need help with meal planning? Message me!