Ummmm WOW! 😳 Would you look at Tiffany McFadyen's Shift Shop results!! #holytransformationtuesday 🙀🙌
She had the honor of being selected for the exclusive coach test group with me for this new 3 week program designed to SHIFT your mind & body to a place that allows you to reinvent yourself!
I'm so excited to get MY Shift Shop test group started yesterday & see what kind of results my participants get!😃 Comment below if you'd like more info about joining.👇🏼
But FIRST, can you please give Tiffany some love for her hard work--and then read what she had to say about her experience with TWO rounds of this new 3 week program....
"The last 6 weeks have been life-changing in so many more ways than just physically. I learned to PUSH myself again. I learned to shut the ducks up in my head that have been QUACKING at me constantly the last 6 months. The ducks that tell me I can't or that I'm not good enough. Or that I SUCK and all the other coaches are doing better than me. Or that I am a sh*tty friend and person and leader and mom.
Shift Shop gave me the power to stop the quacking! To tell me that I AM a good enough mom, I am a good person, I am a good friend and leader and coach. I am good enough. I am strong enough! I am capable and worthy and I AM UNSTOPPABLE and I GOT THIS!
This program made me strong again. Inside and out. And that's what Shift Shop is. It's not just about the's about re-writing your story and how you FEEL about YOU! It might be the hardest program you ever do for you, but anyone can do this because it's so much more than ANYTHING that has ever been released.
I am beyond grateful that this happened to me because it's changed everything in 6 weeks. Mind and body.
So here are the official results:
Officially down 20 inches and 11lbs. I went from a size 8/10 to a 4/6 (sometimes 8 depending on the dress!) in SIX WEEKS!!!!" 💪🏻😻💪🏻😻💪🏻