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  • Writer's pictureSarah LaNore

What's Your "Y"?

My GYM lost it’s “Y” today…

... and why you ask? Well, because this Momma has GOALS and a little silly “Y” won’t get in my way! My control resistance track is finally installed on my wall!

Today, I’ve got a truth bomb for you from author, Jen Sincero:

“What are you willing to give up to live the life you’re pretending you want?”

Dang, y’all. This question really spoke to me the first time I heard it. So often, we offer up excuses for WHY we can’t change our lives… but we all have the ability to achieve those things we really want. Sometimes, it just takes a little sacrifice and a really big whY!

If you need a little extra guidance & want to find your "Y", click HERE & let's chat!

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