Just because I'm in workout pants, a hoodie and sneakers doesn't mean I can't work my dream career. ✌🏼 Loooong gone are the days of panty hose + skirts w/ blouses! 😜 Just over five years ago, I said yes to an opportunity that I, in the beginning, was so nervous about sharing my journey & getting made fun of. I just didn't know enough about it to go all in. Long story short, I have worked my butt off the last five years to create an income that still allows me to be a stay at home mom. Something I've dreamed of being my whole life!

I want to be the Mom who drops her kids off at school in the morning and be right there to pick them in the afternoons, to chaperone a field trip with them, or stop in to bring them lunch. #fullypresent Five years ago when I said YES to this Coaching gig, I wanted to be the Mom that was able to make every single event they had, but still be able to help provide for my family while they were at school! I wanted to crush it in the business world, using all the skillzzz God gave me. Five years later I AM doing all of the above plus earning a six figure income IN my sweats, helping other Moms just like me get fit, get healthy & create their own businesses from home. It truly doesn't get any better than that. Saying YES was scary. Not gonna lie y'all. I had zero experience, but I had tons of drive, a willingness to learn & all those reasons I named above… Those were enough to get me through that fear and into the learning process. One baby step at a time. Saying YES has allowed me to create a life I love. Online Health & Fitness Coach might sound a little untraditional...But then again, so are my goals & dreams ... ❤️ Are you dreaming as BIG as you can right now? Let's chat about how you can create a life you LOVE, too!